Configuration Parameters

There is a fair number of cloud services and a large number of associated parameters. Fortunately, the default values for many of these services will work fine, so only a limited number of parameters actually need to be set.

This section describes the parameters that need to be set by service.

Front End Parameter

For the Front End, you need only set the value of its IP address:

$ stratus-config frontend_ip $FRONTEND_IP

This must be set to the real IP address of the node. The localhost value will not produce a working system.

Storage Service

Similar parameters must also be set for the Persistent Disk service.

For this tutorial, this service is installed on the Front End, so the same IP address should be used.

$ stratus-config persistent_disk_system centos
$ stratus-config persistent_disk_ip $FRONTEND_IP
$ stratus-config persistent_disk_port 443
$ stratus-config persistent_disk_path pdisk
$ stratus-config persistent_disk_merge_auth_with_proxy True

The Persistent Disk service and the Nodes communicate using a strategy defined by the persistent_disk_storage and persistent_disk_share parameters. The default values (“lvm” and “iscsi”, respectively) will be used for this tutorial.

One needs to specify what device will be used for the physical storage for the Persistent Disk service:

$ stratus-config persistent_disk_lvm_device /dev/vg.02

# *** NOTE: Copy the following exactly.  Be careful of ***
# *** the opening and closing single quotes!           ***

$ stratus-config persistent_disk_backend_sections '
        volume_name = /dev/vg.02
        lun_namespace = stratuslab
        volume_snapshot_prefix = pdisk_clone
        initiator_group =


If your LVM volume group name is not “vg.02”, then change the values in the above commands.

Network configuration

Use the frontend as the general gateway for the cloud:

$ stratus-config default_gateway $FRONTEND_IP

Set the IP and mac addresses for virtual machines:

# space-separated list
$ stratus-config one_public_network_addr \
    134.158.xx.yy 134.158.xx.yy 134.158.xx.yy

# space-separated list
$ stratus-config one_public_network_mac \
    0a:0a:86:9e:49:2a 0a:0a:86:9e:49:2b 0a:0a:86:9e:49:2c

In this example, the Front-End is configured on IP address $FRONTEND_IP and three IP/MAC address pairs are defined for virtual machines.

You must use the real values for the Front End IP addresses and for the range of addresses you will use for the virtual machines. The mac addresses are arbitrary, but it is a good idea to have the last four fields match the IPv4 network address.

More network parameters are described in the “one-network” section in the reference configuration file.

DHCP Configuration

Allow the script to automatically configure and start the DHCP server on the Front End. Do the following:

$ stratus-config dhcp True
$ stratus-config dhcp_subnet
$ stratus-config dhcp_netmask
$ stratus-config dhcp_lease_time 3600

$ stratus-config dhcp_one_public_network True
$ stratus-config dhcp_one_public_network_routers $FRONTEND_IP
$ stratus-config dhcp_one_public_network_domain_name

# comma-separated list
$ stratus-config dhcp_one_public_network_domain_name_servers \,

Use your values for these parameters!

Review Parameters

Do a final review of all of the service parameters to make sure that they are correct. If everything looks good, you’re ready to do the Front End installation.